Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Chickenpox Vaccine InEffective!

Fully vaccinated kids are getting chickenpox! Yep that’s right. It seems that the chickenpox vaccine isn’t truly that effective.

A recent analysis of a chickenpox outbreak in Arkansas showed that those who were fully vaccinated against chickenpox still became infected. The analysis also showed that vaccine effectiveness was no better among those who received two inoculations prior to the outbreak than those who received just one.

The Journal of Infectious Disease states that “this was the first chance to investigate the effectiveness of this second dose.”

What? Did I just read that right? The “first time to evaluate the effectiveness” – Aren’t vaccination recommendations based on scientific fact and sound research? If they had no clue about a second dose effectiveness then what in the heck was their “scientific” reasoning to add a second vaccine?

It was in June of 2006 that the immunization panel recommended a second vaccine dose for children at age of school entry. Why did it take them 3 years AFTER their recommendations to actually do a study on what they recommended – is a second dose more effective than the first – why wasn’t this done first!

The data from this outbreak showed that the first dose of varicella was 85.4% effective where the second dose only raised that to 89.1% – NOT statistically significant – meaning there was NO benefit to the second vaccine!

Oh wait there was – the vaccine manufacture doubled their income on that vaccine.

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