Tuesday, March 4, 2025


The Statistics Are Staggering!

1 in 6 kids have a Developmental Disorders

1 in 100 children are being diagnosed with Autism

1 in 250 children diagnosed with debilitating Asthma

5% of children in America are diagnosed with ADHD

The World Health Organization ranks the U.S as the developed country with the highest chronic illnesses rate.

And the numbers keep climbing and climbing and climbingDo you have a plan to keep your kids

The good news is that with newly emerging biochemical methods these conditions are treatable and reversible – and you’ll find them hear at AskDrJoseph.com

Hi, I’m Doctor Joseph Humpherys, founder and director of Healing Solutions PediatricCenters, America’s #1 Integrative Pediatric Medical Centers. Through the years I’ve tried desperately to get the word out on keeping our kids healthy and strong.

You see, my second year of medical school my nephew was diagnosed on the Autistc Spectrum. After numerous medictions and  useless therapies – this four year old boy told us he was done. While the car was moving at 40 mph he opened the door and tried to fling himself out. Luckily he forgot to unclip himself from the car seat. At that point I felt like the medical establishment had failed us. I decided right then and there, that I did not want to see children suffer like this, I did not want to see despair and hoplessness in the eyes of one more parent (as I did in my sister). So I dedicated the next 2 years of school and through residency to learn everything I could about pediatric medicine, nutrition, herbal medications, neurotherapies, dietary restrictions. I trained with physicians around the world in every therapy you could imagine to help heal every child I came in contact with.

And it worked – I am proud to say that my nephew has joined a growing body of elite children with the title of “recovered from autism!” – Not only has my nephew been a product of this devotion, but thousands and thousands of children have had their lives changed by the therapies I have discovered and employed in my practice.

But with the recent economic downturn, many parents are struggling even more to help their children. Insurance companies are denying therapies that actually solve diseases and parents are having to dig into
debt to help their kids. Recently when a parent attending my Healthy Child Intensive (the best 2 day course on pediatric health ever!)  told me of her struggle to help her child and lack of financial support, I broke.
How can I take what I know to the parents who need it – and make it more affordable? Thus the idea of AskDrJoseph.com came up. A website solely dedicated to disseminating my unique appraoch and information to the world and to connect parents across the world in a forum built for their needs.


Dr. Joseph Humpheys DO, N.MD
Dr. Joseph Humpherys is a graduate from Brigham Young University, obtaining a Bachelors Degree in Microbiology emphasizing Molecular Genetics. He obtained a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, one of the premier universities for education and training of Naturopathic Medical Doctors in the United States. His general Osteopathic Medical Education was obtained at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona.  For the past 8 years Dr. Humpherys has focused in the treatment of children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Philosophically Dr. Humpherys believes that conventional medicine relies too heavily on medication and diagnostic testing while straying away from the vital aspects of physical examinations and nutrition. He feels that parents need to be given more credit and listened too during an intake, particularly mothers, who “know more about the health of their child than I ever will.”

When speaking with Dr. Humpherys you will quickly learn that he treats each child as an individual and that your child’s health is of the utmost importance.

Publications and Presentations:

•Testified on Complementary and Alternative Medicine
before the Florida House of Representatives Subcommittee on Health
•“Polymerase Chain Reaction Protocol Manual.” BYU Molecular Genealogy Laboratory
•“Managing Stress Through The Use Of Adaptogenic Herbs.” Biotics For Life. Sept 2004
•“Solving the Health Care Crisis with Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” American Specialty Health. Feb 2005
•”Healing Children through Natures Wisdom.” Presentation given at numerous locations
•“Healthy Child Intensive.” Two day workshop focusing on the 10 steps to health or prevent any childhood illnesses. Given at numerous locations
•“Healthy Cooking Intensive.” Two day workshop focusing make life easier in the Kitchen.

Memberships/ Certifications/ Training:

•Member of The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
•Residency at Doctors Hospital, Modesto California and Docere Clinics, Sugarhouse UT
•Naturopathic Political Action Committee Representative
•Trained with Dr. Bryan Jepson, Dr. Arthur Krigsman and Dr. Andrew Wakefield at the Throughful House Center for Kids Austin, TX
•Trained with Dr. Jeff Bradstreet at the International Children’s Developmental Research Center, FL
•Naturopathic IV Protocol Training with Dr. Paul Anderson
•Defeat Autism Now! Practicioner
•American Academy of Complementery Medicine Member
•Holistic Pediatrics member
•Mentor/Proctor for Brigham Young Nursing Program

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