Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) use, MMR vaccination and Autism

Filed under Autism, MMR, Vaccination

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) use, MMR vaccination and Autism

Developing a fever after receiving a vaccine is a common event in many children, which has led numerous doctors to recommend taking acetaminophen before or after to reduce the chances of fever. In my office I DO NOT RECOMMEND acetaminophen due to the fact that it depletes glutathione levels in the body. As many of you know glutathione is our major antioxidant that helps our body detoxify and many studies have implicated glutathione deficiencies in the etiology of autism. Many of you also know that the MMR vaccine has also been implicated in the etiology of autistic disorders.

In the May issue of Autism researchers took a look at both of these ideas, trying to determine if using acetaminophen after the MMR vaccine increased the chances of a child developing autism. This was a case-controlled study done from July 2005 to January 2006 consisting of 163 children. The results showed that acetaminophen use after the MMR vaccine was significantly associated with autistic disorder when considering children 5 years of age or less and limiting cases to children with regression in development (the major route of developing autistic disorders today). Ibuprofen use was NOT associated with autistic disorders.

Please, if you child develops a fever, or requires some pain mediation after a vaccine, use Ibuprofen instead. I also recommend boosting your child’s immune system three days before and three days after with vitamin C, and if your child is receiving a viral vaccine (MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A or B) I recommend vitamin A. Feel free to call into our office to get the exact dosage for your child.


Autism. 2008 May;12(3):293-307


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