Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Reduce the Risk of Autism During Pregnancy

Researchers recently studied the incidence of autism and the interpregnancy interval, the time interval between pregnancies. Using the birth records from 1996 to 2002, birth intervals of < 12 months, 12-23 and 24-35 months were evaluated.  What they found was quite amazing. Interpreganancy intervals less than 24 months were associated with an increased incidence of […]

Hepatitis B Vaccine Triples Risk of Autism in Infant Boys

Filed under Vaccination

In the well-respected Journals of Epidemiology Carolyn Gallagher and Melody Goodman of the Graduate Program in Public Health at Stony Brook University Medical Center, NY, wrote that, “Boys who received the hepatitis B vaccine during the first month of life had 2.94 greater odds for ASD [Autistic Spectrum Disorders]  compared to later- or unvaccinated boys.” […]

A Parents Love

Filed under Videos

Grab a box of Kleenex and hold your kids/grandkids tight tonight!  

The Genetics of Autism

Filed under Nutrition

Discover the Genetics of Autism and how new techniques are providing parents a better hope of recovery!  

Probiotics Improve Your Brain!

For many scientist and physicians the observation that the gastrointestinal tract can influence brain function has been difficult to prove. We’ve believed in it and have documented multiple experiences where healing the GI tract has had a positive benefit on disorders affecting the brain (like depression, ADHD and anxiety just to name a few) but […]

Tylenol Use In Pregnancy Causes ADHD!

Numerous studies over the last few years have implicated the most widely used drug in pregnancy, Tylenol (acetaminophen), with increasing the incidence of childhood diseases such as asthma and allergies. There was even on study linking cryptorchidism (undescended testes) to acetaminophen with the theory that it acted as a sex hormone binding protein displacer. Now […]

FDA Finally Warns Against Use of Antibacterial Soaps

The Federal and Drug Administration, after years of research and petitions from scientists, have finally issued a warning on antibacterial soaps as “ineffective” and may alter hormonal levels while producing antibacterial resistant bacteria. Colleen Rogers of the FDA states that “the risk associated with daily use of antibacterial soaps may outweigh the benefits.” Therefore the […]

NAC Reduces Anger and Aggression in Autism

Filed under Autism

Resperidone, according to the Federal Drug Administration, is one of two drugs approved for the treatment of Autism. It’s an antipsychotic medication that helps mostly with aggression, outbursts and in general to create a calmer child. Although it is merely a bandaid in that it just controls symptoms, it has its purpose in managing behavior […]

Probiotics Work for Colic

Colic is an infantile disease where a healthy child shows signs of discomfort (cramping, moaning, crying) for long periods of time without an discernible cause, usually during the first month of life. Many therapies and treatments are given in order to ease the discomfort and give the parents a relief from extended crying periods. One […]

Anti-mitochondrial Antibodies in Autism – A Marker for Treatment?

Filed under Autism

Recent focus on new treatments for Autistic Spectrum disorders have zeroed in heavily on the immune component of this disease. Physicians around the world are becoming more and more convinced that Autism may be triggered by some autoimmune process leading to damage of the body’s own neurological system. Quite a few studies have pointed to […]

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