Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Arm Your Spice Cabinet: Cinnamon

Latin name: Cinnamomum cassia (common ‘cinnamon’ in North America), Cinnamomum verum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum (true cinnamon, used medicinally)

Irritible Bowl Syndrome and Food Allergies

Filed under allergies

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder with a reported prevalence of 12%-22% in the general population. In fact, IBS is the most common diagnosis made by gastroenterologists in the United States. IBS is a poorly understood disorder and conventionally treatments have proven variable success.

An Inside Look into the Brain of Attention Disorders

Filed under ADHD

Attention disorders affect about 5% -10% of school aged children. Combined that with learning disabilities and developmental delays, and it accounts for about 1 in 6 children. These problems present differently in each child, but can have overlapping similarities on diagnostic imaging.

The Mold Course

The Environmental Protection Agency has an online course concerning mold and how it may affect your live. Below is the link to learn more.

Revealing Mold Exposure in the Home: Winter guide

You may not have ever considered mold as problem in your home, but it’s true, all houses have mold and if any of your family members have allergies, asthma, runny nose, chronic cough, congestion, rashes, itchy eyes or other signs of allergies, mold may be the cause.

Recipes: Wonton Soup

Filed under recipe

Wonton Soup (GFCF approved)

Wonton soup is a favorite.The spicy ginger and garlic are great for fighting off colds and warming the soul. These are great to spend one afternoon making all the wontons and then have them frozen for quick meals afterwards

Ginger Recipes: Masal Tea

Filed under Herbs, recipe

Masala Tea (GFCF)

Masala tea is also known as chai tea. I learned this recipe for tea in India while studying Ayurvedic medicine.

Arm Your Spice Cabinet: Ginger

Latin name: Zingiber officinale

History of Ginger:
Ginger cultivation began in China and has since spread to India, West Africa and Caribbean. Ginger is part of the Zingiberaceae family. Other members of this family are turmeric, cardamom and galangal.

Vitamin D Deficiency in Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disease characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness and inflammation Asthma has many contributing factors including genetics, environment and food allergies, nutritional status and stress to name a few. Asthma prevalence continues to increase worldwide and industrialized nations furthest from the equator have the highest prevalence.

Vaccines Do Cause Autism

Filed under Autism, Vaccination

Watch the former head of the Center For Disease Control (CDC) publicly acknowledge that vaccines do cause autsim. Well in her defense she does say “autism-like” symptoms, but if someone has “autism-like” symptoms doesn’t that mean they have autism? Oh – about 9 months later she resigned her post.

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