Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Pregnancy and Psychiatric Drugs

Very often in my office, when doing an intake on a child with a developmental disorder, I find that the mother was on a psychiatric drug during pregnancy. I’ve had an underlying suspicion that there has to be some association – Well a new study has just shed some new light on that.

Asthma – Focusing on the Source

Asthma has become one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses with a significant impact on quality of life. What most parents don’t realize is that the majority of doctors only treat the symptoms – difficulty breathing, wheezing, etc – instead of the cause.

Chickenpox Vaccine InEffective!

Fully vaccinated kids are getting chickenpox! Yep that’s right. It seems that the chickenpox vaccine isn’t truly that effective.

A recent analysis of a chickenpox outbreak in Arkansas showed that those who were fully vaccinated against chickenpox still became infected. The analysis also showed that vaccine effectiveness was no better among those who received two inoculations prior to the outbreak than those who received just one.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Brain Damage

The Journal of Neurotoxicity recently reported that brain damage occurs due to the Hepatitis B administration in newborn monkeys – often used to project what would happen in newborn infants. This vaccine was added to the recommended immunization schedule in 1991 – to be administered to newborn infants the day of birth or two weeks post.

The study compared newborn monkeys who received the Hepatitis B vaccine (the same one administered to newborn infants) and to a placebo group who received a saline injection. The vaccine group showed significant delay in the acquisition of key survival reflexes – root, snout and suck – all necessary for proper nutrition and feeding.

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