Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sunscreens Not As Protective As We Think – Report From Environmental Working Group

The Environmental Working Group, a watchdog agency that tests products for environmental contaminants, found that 4 out of 5 sunscreens (they analyzed 952 brands) contained chemicals that may pose health hazards or didn’t contain the ingredients that would properly protect your skin from the damaging effect of the sun.

Study Shows Mother’s of Autistic Children Has Similar Biochemical Patterns

Filed under Autism

A recent study from Dr. Jill James found significant similarities in biomedical markers commonly found in autistic children compared to their mothers, suggesting a consistent underlying genetic susceptibility.

CDC Data Points To Vaccine-Autism Link

Filed under Autism, Vaccination

A newly published study in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences, the official journal of the World Federation of Neurology, links mercury from the Thimerosal in vaccines with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Safety of Antibacterial Soap Debated

Millions of Americans use antibacterial soaps and household cleaners every day, believing that their germ-killing ability will keep them and their families healthier.

American Academy of Pediatrics Changes Stance on Diet For ADHD

Filed under ADHD, Nutrition

Early this year the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a report supporting the use of preservative-free, food coloring-free diets as an intervention for many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Former NIH Director Says Research Vaccine-Autism Link; CBS News Exclusive

Filed under Autism, MMR, Vaccination

Jordan King was a typical baby. His parents called him vocal and vivacious. Then just before age 2, after a large battery of vaccinations, he simply withdrew from the world.

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions outnumber reported disease cases in children

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) performed an independent analysis of raw computer data from 1990 to 1998 by the government operated Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) concerning the Hepatitis B vaccine and the incidence of adverse events.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) use, MMR vaccination and Autism

Filed under Autism, MMR, Vaccination

Developing a fever after receiving a vaccine is a common event in many children, which has led numerous doctors to recommend taking acetaminophen before or after to reduce the chances of fever.

Exclusive prolonged breast-feeding linked to improved cognitive development

Filed under Child Birth

The Archives of General Psychiatry just published results from the largest randomized trial ever conducted in the area of human lactation.

Autism Risk Linked To Distance From Power Plants, Other Mercury-releasing Sources

ScienceDaily — How do mercury emissions affect pregnant mothers, the unborn and toddlers?

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