Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Les Incompétents: My Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics – Dr. Stoller, M.D.

Filed under Autism, Vaccination

This Letter was written by a colleague of mine, Dr. Kenneth Stoller, whom I’ve learned so much from.

Avoiding Environmental Poisons – A Safety Guide to Children’s Personal Care Products –

This guide was produced by the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to the research of environmental toxicity and the impact it has on our health.

American Heart Association Recommends Children receiving ECG before taking ADHD medication

Filed under ADHD

It is estimated that 4-12% of all school aged children in the US are diagnosed with ADHD.

65% Autistic Children Found To Have Mitochondrial Disorder

Filed under Autism, Vaccination

At an American Academy of Neurology meeting last month it was revealed in a recent research paper, see below, that 65% of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders assessed were found to have mitochondrial disorder (MtD) and so were always at risk of autism caused by one or more vaccines.

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