Saturday, February 15, 2025

Tylenol Use In Pregnancy Causes ADHD!

Numerous studies over the last few years have implicated the most widely used drug in pregnancy, Tylenol (acetaminophen), with increasing the incidence of childhood diseases such as asthma and allergies. There was even on study linking cryptorchidism (undescended testes) to acetaminophen with the theory that it acted as a sex hormone binding protein displacer. Now […]

Stimulant Medications Increase Risk for Sudden Death in Children

There has been quite a recent string of activity surrounding the recent publication in the American Journal of Psychiatry showing a 7 fold increase in the incidence of sudden death in children who are on stimulant medications (Concerta, Ritalin, Adderall, Focalin and Dexedrine).

Recently the FDA urged “caution” in interpreting this study due to parents “bias” in reporting the medications their children were on. The study screened parents by asking them what medications their children were on at time of death. The FDA Director Dr. Robert Temple, MD highly stressed that this screening is “subject to recall bias” and that these results should not serve as a basis for parents stop medication their children due to other “risk behavior associated with ADHD.”

The lead author, Dr. Madelyn Gould, PhD rebuts this argument and states that “This study had enough statistical power to detect an association. My confidence in the results is not diminished, since it has been peer-reviewed [and published].” Incidentally this study was funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health. Looks like maybe the results were not what they hoped for.

American Academy of Pediatrics Changes Stance on Diet For ADHD

Filed under ADHD, Nutrition

Early this year the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) published a report supporting the use of preservative-free, food coloring-free diets as an intervention for many children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

American Heart Association Recommends Children receiving ECG before taking ADHD medication

Filed under ADHD

It is estimated that 4-12% of all school aged children in the US are diagnosed with ADHD.

An Inside Look into the Brain of Attention Disorders

Filed under ADHD

Attention disorders affect about 5% -10% of school aged children. Combined that with learning disabilities and developmental delays, and it accounts for about 1 in 6 children. These problems present differently in each child, but can have overlapping similarities on diagnostic imaging.