Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions outnumber reported disease cases in children

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions outnumber reported disease cases in children

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) performed an independent analysis of raw computer data from 1990 to 1998 by the government operated Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) concerning the Hepatitis B vaccine and the incidence of adverse events. Their released figures showed that the number of Hepatitis B vaccine associated serious adverse events and death reports in American children under the age of 14 outnumber the reported cases of the Hepatitis B disease in that age group.

There were 24,775 reported Hepatitis B vaccine related adverse events in all age groups, including 9,673 serious adverse events and 439 deaths. When isolating children who received only the Hepatitis B vaccine the data shows that 52 percent or 1 out of 2 reports for children under age 14 reported a serious adverse event. With this information NVIC called the government-mandated Hepatitis B vaccination policy “dangerous and scientifically unsubstantiated.” NVIC also cites as study done by the former FDA commissioner in The Journal of American Medical Association that states “only about 1 percent of serious events from vaccinations “ are actually reported to the government VAERS. This means that the numbers of adverse reactions could be significantly higher.

Hepatitis B affects mainly adults, most often transmitted through infected blood. Those at highest risk are IV drug users and people with multiple sex partners. It was in 1991 that the CDC recommended all infants be injected with the first dose of Hepatitis B at birth despite the fact that children have not developed a proper immune system and that they are only at risk if the mother was Hepatitis B positive or the baby had life sustaining techniques requiring blood transfusions or dialysis. The obvious question that arises is if our children are not at risk, why are we vaccinating them for this disease?

Some countries have ended their requirement for Hepatitis B vaccination in school children and babies after reports of chronic arthritis and symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis followed Hepatitis B vaccination. France had such high rate of reported adverse reactions that the Health Minister of France suspended the requirement in 1998.


Professor Bonnie Dunbar, P.H.D, a Texas cell biologist states that “No basic science research or controlled, long term studies into the side effects of this vaccine have been conducted in American babies, children or adults.” The safety studies the FDA used to conclude it was a safe vaccine only monitored the children for 4 or 5 days post vaccination. Dr. Dunbar further states “It takes weeks and sometimes months for autoimmune disorders to develop following vaccinations.”

As a father who just recently had a new born son, the experience of fighting with nurses for my right to waive this vaccination still lingers in my mind. Many nurses looked at me with distain as I rejected this unnecessary procedure.  I did not leave the side of my new child and watched as other babies were injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine. I spoke to some of these babies’ parents; many had no idea their child had been vaccinated while they were gone. What happened to inform consent? Why weren’t these parents given the information about the rate of contraction for this age group of hepatitis B, or even asked if they wanted to vaccinate their child? Were they told that it was highly unlikely that their child would contract it, and if they did the illness would spontaneously resolve in 95% of cases without long term effects? Were they told that if anything occurred, most likely it would be an adverse reaction to the vaccine than the disease itself? Do they know that the vaccination tracking chart given to them at the hospital came PRE-STAMPED for the Hepatitis B vaccine? Of course the answer is NO. Informed consent has gone out the window in this case. Besides, who would vaccinate their newborn child with Hepatitis B if they really knew the facts?

Please stay tuned to this topic as I am in the midst of a study comparing adverse events occurring in the first 2 months of live for those children given the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth and those given it at a later date. If your child was born after 1991 and did not receive the Hepatitis B vaccine at birth, and you’d like to contribute to our study, please contact us. We need as many parents as possible to help us in our quest to protect our children from unnecessary procedures.

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