Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Brain Damage

The Journal of Neurotoxicity recently reported that brain damage occurs due to the Hepatitis B administration in newborn monkeys – often used to project what would happen in newborn infants. This vaccine was added to the recommended immunization schedule in 1991 – to be administered to newborn infants the day of birth or two weeks post.

The study compared newborn monkeys who received the Hepatitis B vaccine (the same one administered to newborn infants) and to a placebo group who received a saline injection. The vaccine group showed significant delay in the acquisition of key survival reflexes – root, snout and suck – all necessary for proper nutrition and feeding.

These reflexes are governed by the brainstem, an area especially susceptible to damage from adjuvents found in the vaccine – and where numerous autism studies have shown similar damage in the same brain region. Many researchers noted that if the FDA had this study before licensure, the Hepatitis B vaccine would never have been approved.

Despite this study the Center for Disease Control continues to say that there “is no convincing evidence of harm” that vaccines cause significant damage or autism. Guess they aren’t reading the same Jouranals as I am. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.

To add more fuel to the fire – two recent epidemiological studies by Gallagher and Goodman at Stony Brook University Medical Center demonstrated an association between mercury-containing Hepatitis B and a seven-fold increase in early intervention services and twice the risk for autism. Seems this vaccine is much more dangerous than previously thought.


2 Responses to “Hepatitis B Vaccine Causes Brain Damage”
  1. ceclark says:

    so do you recommend the hep b vaccine? what should I do with my newborn when they want to vaccinate her.

    • Dr Joseph says:

      good questions! Nothing causes more controversy that vaccine questions. Having said that, the reality is that the hepatitis B vaccine was instituted because many mothers were NOT getting prenatal care and thus passing the hep b virus on to their children (checking for hep b is a routine pregnancy screen). if a mother has hepatitis B the vaccine drastically reduces the passage of this virus. So if you are NOT hepatitis B positive the likelihood of your child contracting this is super super low — your little baby would either need to do IV drugs or get a blood transfusion. There are also a few studies linking hep b vaccine to jaundice which if you follow my site you’ll see I’ve posted many articles on how jaundice raises the risk of many illnesses. I personally have chosen to hold off on hep b vaccine with my kids until they are older – and I choose to vaccinate them when they are older and more developed because I am a risk factor, dealing with blood all day long. I feel the data shows there are more important vaccines to obtain at a younger age than the hep b vaccine. Of course the AAP clearly disagrees with me.

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