Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Medscape Shows True Colors by Declining to Publish Negative Vaccine Data

Filed under Vaccination

Medscape Shows True Colors by Declining to Publish Negative Vaccine Data

This last month I ran full force into the power of vaccine companies and their “strangle” hold upon the information disseminated about their products. Medscape, one of the largest online medical resources, is a great tool that keeps me informed about the most recent medical topics and articles to hit the media stream. It was their “manipulation” of published information that showed me the true ideological stance of many main stream medical establishments; “we aren’t looking for truth unless it fits into our frame of mind.” What follows is a daily log of the events that took place.

On August 4th I received an email from Medscape Review giving me the “Top 10 Most Read Articles By Pediatricians.” Number ten was the article titled “HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator.” I saved the email as every Thursday (the 4th was Monday) I review and print the articles I wish to read.

On August 5th I also received an email from Medscape Pediatrics with again the article titled “HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator.”  I saved both emails for review on Thursday.

Thursday came (the 7th of August) and I began printing my articles. When I clicked on the above email to be taken to the article, Medscape’s webpage said “Page Not Found.” I was perplexed so I tried it again with the same result. How could this be? Wasn’t it one of the Top Ten Articles Read by Pediatricians? So I decided to search for the article on Medscape’s Home page search tool. I did a search, found the article headline, but again when clicking to read it the error came up saying “Page Not found.” I thought to myself that some error on the link had occurred, as it has frequently happened on my website, I therefore sent them an email in hopes that they would fix the link. Here is the exact copy of the email.

Date: 8/7/2008 5:52:51 PM
To: mpmailings@webmd.net
Subject: Medscape Email Newsletters

First Name = Joseph
Last Name = Humpherys
Request = Question
Subject = Medscape Email Newsletters
Comment = On tuesday (08/05/08) I received the newsletter from medscape Pediatrics with the topic “HPV Vaccine Adverse events worrisome say Key investigators.” But when clicking on the link the page cannot be found. I have also searched on the general medscape website, found the article title, but again when I click on it, the article won’t pull up. Can you please fix this link as I am extremely interested in this article. Thank you.

Five days later here is the response I received from Medscape, again this is an exact copy of the email.

Dear Medscape User:

We apologize for the inconvenience.  Unfortunately, the article has been removed from the site.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Medscape Customer Support

WHAT!! Removed from the site? In my stubbornness I decided to check the article again and low and behind it pulled up – BUT – with a different title.

The page now read, “HPV Vaccine Deemed Safe and Effective, Despite Reports of Adverse Events.”  Don’t worry, it gets even better. Right below the title in italic letters appear the editors comments which states;

Editor’s note: This article replaces “HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator,” which was posted on July 26, 2008, and was removed after editorial review.”

Editorial review? What does that mean?

Well, needless to say I have a new found understanding of how low the medical community can go when defending a vaccine that is starting to look like one of the most dangerous ones on the market. Just the other day I had a mother call into my office who’s 14 year old daughter developed debilitating left arm paralysis after receiving the HPV Vaccine. Oh let’s not forget she now has over 15 warts on her left hand that have also developed since getting the HPV Vaccine. The “scientists” who monitor vaccine reactions would call this a temporal coincidence, that she would have developed those symptoms even if she hadn’t gotten the vaccine. I cringe every time I hear that statement. Such an excuse! At least give the parents the benefit of the doubt and explore it.

The hypocrisy of it all is that we can’t use the term of “temporal coincidence” when trying to discuss why Measles cases are high (which scientists are claiming is due to parents refusing the vaccine). Couldn’t this just be a year when Measles rates are higher? Didn’t the CDC state that the only vaccine under the 90% desirable rate was Pertusiss (see article above) not Measles. Boy the justifications never seems to end.


One Response to “Medscape Shows True Colors by Declining to Publish Negative Vaccine Data”
  1. mmurill90 says:

    It is so blatantly obvious that the entire medical community and media work this way In relation to vaccine information.

    Thank you for being a beacon of light in all of this. Coming across your site has helped to restore a little faith in humanity for me. Keep up the solid work Dr Humphreys. I’m sharing your site with all of my friends who are also parents and concerned for the safety of their children.

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