Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Probiotics Shown to Decrease Respiratory Illnesses and Infections

Probiotics Shown to Decrease Respiratory Illnesses and Infections

During the winter season, many parents have ask about specific ways to prevent respiratory illnesses in their children. One of the consistent supplements recommended to reduce illnesses are probiotics, live bacteria that are normally found on our mucus membranes and gastrointestinal tract.

Recently the journal Pediatrics published a great research study given further credence to my way of reducing respiratory illnesses. The authors took over one thousand pregnant women and started them on probiotic species (Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium breve) 4 weeks before delivery and then the newborns received the same probiotics for 6 months after birth. They then compared data from the probiotic group to a control group (receiving a placebo) in growth measures, antibiotic use, colic and respiratory tract infections.

In both groups the infants grew normally, with no apparent group differences in neonatal morbidity, colic, other feeding related behaviors or adverse events. The difference lay in the respiratory infections and antibiotic use, which were significantly less in the probiotic group.

The authors stated that, “feeding [probiotics] to newborn infants was safe and seemed to increase resistance to respiratory infections during the first 2 years of life.”

Besides protection from illnesses, probiotics have been clinically proven to reduce diarrheal episodes and significantly reduce the chances of atopy (eczema, allergies and asthma). One product in particular that has shown consistent results for children is Maximum GI Support. It contains the specific probiotics that children at this age need. This probiotics can be found at www.nutrientreview.com. Remember we have a 15% coupon on all our newsletters so don’t forget to use it.


Pediatrics. 2008;122;8-12

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