Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Secretin Story- Still an Effective Treatment for Autism?

Filed under Autism

The Secretin Story- Still an Effective Treatment for Autism?

Secretin was one of the first “magic bullets” touted for autism. It is a hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release its digestive enzymes, particularly sodium bicarbonate which neutralizes the stomach’s acid.  It was initially tested on a three year old autistic child, who had phenomenal results. The word quickly got out and parents were scrambling to find a doctor who administered Secretin.

Unfortunately numerous studies were inconclusive. The largest study, which deemed it non beneficial, has the most scientific clout today and many physicians refer to the study as proof that it has no clinical benefit. Many physicians though disagree with the study and have claimed the statistical analysis was flawed. One in particular is Dr. Stephen M. Edleson, Director of the Autism Research Institute.

Dr. Edelson has written a wonderful history and analysis of the data concerning Secretin and its role for autistic children.  I have included the link below for you to read, as it not only shows the benefit that Secretin can have, but how the scientific community at times doesn’t quite get the studies done right.  Vigilance in analyzing the research studies is vital to find the mixed in truth.

You can read the full story by clicking on the following link. tinyurl.com/64un8f

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