Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Medscape Shows True Colors by Declining to Publish Negative Vaccine Data

February 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Vaccination

This last month I ran full force into the power of vaccine companies and their “strangle” hold upon the information disseminated about their products. Medscape, one of the largest online medical resources, is a great tool that keeps me informed about the most recent medical topics and articles to hit the media stream. It was their “manipulation” of published information that showed me the true ideological stance of many main stream medical establishments; “we aren’t looking for truth unless it fits into our frame of mind.” What follows is a daily log of the events that took place.

On August 4th I received an email from Medscape Review giving me the “Top 10 Most Read Articles By Pediatricians.” Number ten was the article titled “HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator.” I saved the email as every Thursday (the 4th was Monday) I review and print the articles I wish to read.

On August 5th I also received an email from Medscape Pediatrics with again the article titled “HPV Vaccine Adverse Events Worrisome Says Key Investigator.” I saved both emails for review on Thursday.

Thursday came (the 7th of August) and I

Parents Blamed for Measles Outbreaks Due to Fear of Autism

February 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Autism, Vaccination

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that from January to July of this year 131 cases of Measles were reported from 15 states. This is the highest number of Measles in the Unites States since 1996 and public health officials are blaming the growing number of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children due to the association of Measles with Autism.

Les Incompétents: My Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics – Dr. Stoller, M.D.

February 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Autism, Vaccination

This Letter was written by a colleague of mine, Dr. Kenneth Stoller, whom I’ve learned so much from.

Vaccines Do Cause Autism

February 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Autism, Vaccination

Watch the former head of the Center For Disease Control (CDC) publicly acknowledge that vaccines do cause autsim. Well in her defense she does say “autism-like” symptoms, but if someone has “autism-like” symptoms doesn’t that mean they have autism? Oh – about 9 months later she resigned her post.